
Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012



3 hours ago, there is an event at my school. that's called LDKS INTERN. where every candidate of the newest OSIS doing the last stage. in the middle of the event, i'm feelling so bored. so, i decided that I, caca, and reina wanna go out for having lunch. we have joke together there. I thought that it wouldn't happen anything with us. 'cause I think they won't search us.

until i go back to school, i saw that everybody get their lunch. and i've got some feelling that something will be happen to us if buwik watch us. so, we decided that we playing w/ devina while they're have lunch. without supposition, it appears that buwik reprimand us._. becauseee we have go out without permission. and without supposition, she reprimand us in front of out JUNIORS!!!! OH MAD X____X. how do you feel if you're in my position-_____- very very very embarrassing. so much. i think i just want to CHANGE MY FACE INTO DIFFERENT FACE-____-

but, that's all is already happened to us. so what can we do after this accident? NO-THING-__-
we just can keep our embarrassing face from all of our juniors. uooh yeeah buwik is so ... hm i can't to tell you..

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


i know, that's the most popular topic in teenagers. i know how it feels. and i know that it's so disturb our mind, brain, heart, and also mood. but, we  also can avoid that. yeah, nothing impossible in this world. it depends on us. how can we avoid it. so, i think, we just have to avoid from that guy we like. the example is like we haven't stalk his twitter again. it can make us can forget him, probably? but i think, when we always stalk them, and when he has found a new girl, yaaa you know that how's our heart. yeah i know that i can understand and i can feel it too. and actually, that's feel so hurt. even we still expect to him, in the fact is not and will always not come true. okay, the conclusion is we have to againts our self for change our mine. so, we can move on. yeah, that's the teenagers problem. almost all of teenagers.

but actually, i'm just a teenagers. that just want to be different w/ the others. and always try to be different. but it always fail. oooh, how's your feelling? but it isn't important 'cause it's just a small problem, perhaps?

sometimes i'm always feelling so regret cause i'm a teenagers. that always labile. and until now, i'm still can't control it. maybe, if i'm already be a mom, perhaps?haha... yaa it's up to you..

never thought it before

when i twitter-ing, in my mind always said that can't understood how my juniors and my firends thinking about. the logical is, how can they feel so down? feel so desperate? and feel so confusion? i don't know anything about their world. i've just knew that no boys that want to make me like them. even i ever had boyfirend, but i feel so not comfortable. cause, my bf isn't good for me and match w/ my personality. but i think, looked so confusion in front of the boys is very bad (i think). 'cause, they think that they're the winners. they thought that they can made the girls feel so confusion because of them. i don't know why, and when i get this opinion. actually, from elementary i just unlike w/ some boys that regard that he's the perfect boy in this WORLD. in the fact, he has so many shortage. but, the girls don't know about that. even they know that, they would just regard that it's natural and doesn't care with the shortage w/ that boy.

i don't know, until when they will always looks like this. sometimes, when i think that twitter-ing is the best thing that being my moodbooster, now has been changed being moodbreaker cause my following is tweet-ing anything that didn't important. if not about their boy, its about someone. and if there aren't both, it could be about their self and looks like show off their life. and i hate it.  but i can't do anything. even i would unfollow them, they will regard that i'm very bad. it's so difficult to understand them. but, there is just a way to avoid it is, NO TWITTER-ING. but, what's the function of twitter if i amn't twitter-ing? ahhh it's so complex you know..